The student initiative Plant-for-the-Planet was launched in January 2007 and has its origins in a school presentation by the then 9-year-old Felix on the climate crisis. Inspired by Wangari Maathai, who had already planted 30 million trees in Africa, at the end of the presentation he developed the vision that children could plant millions of trees in order to offset CO2 emissions. In the following years, Plant-for-the-Planet a global movement: Currently, around 100,000 children around the world are pursuing this goal.
They see themselves as an initiative of global citizens that is committed to climate justice in the sense of an overall reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and a uniform distribution of these emissions among all people.
Since March 2011, Plant-for-the-Planet has had a democratic structure with a world board consisting of 14 children from eight nations.
Global Contract Board member Gregor Hintler was one of the first supporters and contributors in 2007. Today, as a student, he is working on a report on the number of trees worldwide, potential reforestation areas and the CO2 binding potential of trees.