About Us
Who is behind the World Contract Foundation?The World Contract Foundation was founded in January 2002 by 22 donors based in Hamburg out of the conviction that in the 21st century the idea of sustainability in its ecological, economic, social and cultural dimensions could be offered an efficient field of action. Our work and projects are carried out by people who bring their different backgrounds and skills to the foundation's activities. The team consists of a network of young and experienced scientists, students and entrepreneurs who work efficiently, pragmatically and goal-oriented. The board and the board of trustees work on a voluntary basis.

The Board of Directors
The board manages and administers the foundation. It currently includes the following people:

Maike Grundmann

Louis Motaal

Maria Hosfeld
The office team
The following people are responsible for communication, donor support and project coordination on a part-time and voluntary basis:

Helge Bork

Ingrid Banciu
The Board of Trustees

Frithjof Finkbeiner
In addition to his role as chairman, Frithjof Finkbeiner is also responsible for financial aspects. In addition to the World Contract Foundation, he also volunteers for Plant-for-the-Planet and the Global Marshall Plan Foundation. He is also vice president of the German society CLUB OF ROME.

Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Radermacher
Franz Josef Radermacher is a professor of computer science at the University of Ulm and director of the Research Institute for Application-Oriented Knowledge Processing. He is active in many other initiatives, including as vice president of the Ecosocial Forum Europe, as co-founder of the Global Marshall Plan Initiative and a member of the CLUB OF ROME.
The Foundation Board
All founding donors and donors are members of the board of trustees. The board of trustees appoints the board of trustees, which is made up of the following people (in alphabetical order):
Ulrich Martin Drescher, Udo Eitzenberger, Frithjof Finkbeiner, Karolin Finkbeiner, Armin Frey, Christopher Gohl, Maja Göpel, Torge Hamkens, Klaus-Peter Hosfeld, Michael Ihden, Eike Messow, Susanne Moecks-Carone, Karolin-Suzanne Perrot, Franz Josef Radermacher, Joachim Schoeneich, Tobias Schulz-Hess, Maike Sippel, Surjo Raphael Soekadar, Gottfried Strobl, Roland Wenzel, Michael Willadt, Stephan Wrage und ein Stifter, der namentlich nicht erwähnt werden möchte.